Church Planting in Mexico






Leadership Training



Is Mexico largest Catholic Country?
El Grito
5 de Mayo
1985 Earthquake
Mexican Presidential Elections
Independence Day
The Christ Child
"The Virgin of Guadalupe

What is El Niņo Dios? (the Christ Child)

A.  A mass celebrating the birth of Christ

B.  A doll taken to the priest to be blessed*

C.  The day when many candles are lit to celebrate the Baby Jesus

D.  The day of the year when Baby Jesus visits the church

Candeleria Day

In Mexico, Christmas celebrations end on February 2nd which begins on December 12th for The Virgin of Guadalupe Day.


Every year in the city of Texcoco, between Christmas and February 2nd, there are thousands of people buying and selling special dolls...

...these dolls aren't just any dolls.  These dolls are "Niņo Dios" or "Christ Child."


These dolls are dressed up and many of them are holding things in their hands. If you look closely at the second picture from the right, you'll see a "Christ Child" with a sun in one hand and a moon in the other. This shows a combination of the Indigenous religions and Catholicism. Just 30 minutes from Texcoco are the famous Sun and Moon pyramids.

This day commemorates the 40th day after the birth of Christ when He was presented by his parents to the temple.  On this day in Mexico, the people take their dolls to mass to have their doll blessed by the priest.

Then, they return home and place the doll on a special shelf, and leave him there until the following year.  That evening, they celebrate with tamales.