Ministry News It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over already. It’s been a busy summer, and we praise God for what He is doing. Our teammates, the Smith’s, are currently in the U.S. on a mini furlough. They will be returning to Mexico in November. Church attendance shrinks a bit in the summer as people go away and get out of the routine that the school year provides. Now that school has started back up, we hope that things will pick up again. This week, we will be restarting a small group Bible study that we stopped for the summer. In June, we had the privilege of baptizing 5 people, one of whom was Caleb. It’s always exciting to see your children make decisions for the Lord! We are also thankful that the other 4 people made the decision to follow the Lord in baptism as well. Susan’s cousin and her 2 sons were here for 2 weeks. They helped paint the church, clean debris so the area could be used for a kid’s club, taught English and craft classes, and helped prepare for the VBS. They were a blessing! In the end of July, we had our annual vacation Bible school. We had over 100 kids once again this year in attendance with several decisions that were made. We also used the club to invite kids and parents to English classes that a lady in our church gives, as well as a ladies’ weekly craft and Bible study. On a positive note, we want the people to start taking on more responsibilities as the church progresses, and we have two very faithful men. Lino is preaching once or twice a month, and Salvador is going to start preaching once a month starting in September. He has taught Bible studies before, and we are currently teaching him how to prepare and deliver sermons. Susan is also working on getting the women more involved in helping to teach a women’s Bible study. She is also helping on Thursdays by teaching crafts or baking to the women’s group. This is a group of mostly unbelievers, and Carmen, a lady from our church teaches a Bible study at the end of each class. Mexico News As you all have heard, the war on drugs is very bad here in Mexico. Fortunately for us, here in Texcoco, it hasn’t been bad. The majority of the problems are closer to the U.S. border. Family News Thank you so much for your support of the ministry in Mexico! You are an important part of our team! |
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